Why Nusantara History?

Introduction —–

As early as we first see light, we only know that the wealth, fortune and prosperity is championed by the West. We were taught that countries like America, United Kingdom, Germany and those other foreign speaking people are superior and owns a better life than ours. We were told that we were made independent by them after a great control and subjugation.

Less that we heard stories telling that we are equal to them, what’s more to have a mark of higher significance and superiority. We won’t believe ourselves that we were ever nobler and better, because our imaginations were being occupied to strive and be like them, to make them as our exemplifier.

From day to day, we became used to live the story. We never challenged the narratives. And more unfortunately, our eyes gradually witness such distress stories as what has always been told. Our minds are being channelled to act the way they want us to be, of being poor and disdained creatures.

Some of us doesn’t even care, and hold no significance of knowing about where we came from, who we are, and why are we here now. We don’t even bother of putting in front our significance of existence. We don’t dare to face what lies beneath our consciousness.


History as We Know —–

We always heard the quote by George Santayana, “Those who do not remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” But how do we actually understand it, since it is as if a ‘threat’ for the students to learn history.

Is it that necessary to learn history? Is it because we are threatened by past events that occurred before, therefore we have to learn history so that it will not happen again? Do we really able to alter what lies in the future by knowing the details of the past? What can we do by knowing so much about history?

Or, besides that, do we only read history for bedtime stories and as self-entertainment, or as a source of motivation? Or to romanticize the greatness of previous people? To have something to tell to the next generations that they were once before great and strong? Then, what do these stories have something to do with the future, will we be strong again? And subsequently, what’s next?

These questions weren’t properly answered to most people. Even historians may be indecisive in answering these. In addition to that, to make it worse, we were raised in a community that forces the students to memorize history without really understanding them. The students, at the first place, don’t really have a clear vision and purpose of why they should learn history.


On History —–

History is famously defined as the study; or branch of knowledge dealing with past events. Therefore, anything related to events, people, persons, countries, institutions, systems and others in the past are included. The question is, what is the purpose of studying history?

Some people say that learning history is for the sake of preserving tradition and provide identity, or to understand the society and change, or to understand how the world worked, or to anticipate the upcoming events, or to direct the history to some identified particular ends, or maybe some others.

There are numerous opinions and theories by the scholars and knowledgeable persons on the purpose of studying history. But I think what matters most is that the purpose of studying history is none other than to ‘know oneself’.

The succeeding question is why should one know himself? I don’t intend to deliberate on this question here, for there are too much different answers to the question, and I myself may not be the best and reliable person to answer it properly (maybe not here).

But, one that we know clearly is that one’s actions depend very much on how one knows himself.

Learning history is important to position oneself in the whole realm of existence throughout time. Particularly, one should know where does the self is situated in this whole vast universe. This, in turn, will govern the actions of the self to act properly based on his knowledge on himself.

What we are missing here is the questions on how the history is written, and how do we understand on which history is worth our attention, and what are we going to do with them? That’s why learning history is an exhausting task, of having proper tools, skills and zeal to explore, as well as clear purposes to venture in it.


Why Nusantara History —–

Nusantara or aptly referred as the Malay Archipelago (Alam/ Kepulauan Melayu) is where a community of sea traders are situated. This geographical area is blessed with not only abundance of natural resources, but also full of varieties and delicious unique foods including culinary items such as spices. These foods are not available elsewhere unless to be exported outside through trade.

The condition as to have these natural resources appear in this area especially referring to the Malay Peninsula or was well-known as the Golden Khersonese (the land of Gold) is significant, of having a certain proportion of rainfall and balanced temperature. Its climate is categorised as equatorial, as it is located near the equator, being hot and humid throughout the year, or also said to have a ‘tropical rainforest climate’.

Again, the land is blessed by being tectonically inactive, and protected from natural disasters such as volcano eruptions, heavy earthquakes and enormous Tsunamis. The landform of this area also plays a significant role in allowing the nature to produce such qualities of metals and other resources.

Not only that, the area is located in the middle of the sea trade route or called as ‘Silk Road’ which made the land a convenient place for the ships to stop by for maintaining their journey. It is arguably the most important shipping lane in the world. Besides, the projecting downwards of the peninsula and the island of Sumatra by the other side, the (Malacca) strait is protected from the monsoon winds coming from the Northeast and the Southwest which may heavily interrupt the sail of the ships as in the open sea area.

From the above descriptions, it can be concluded that the Malay Archipelago is the most convenient place to make trade in the world. This is not to mention yet on the skills, knowledge and cultures of the indigenous people of the Malay Archipelago which are well-equipped to make the place great enough in the history.


Conclusion —–

All in all, in this short article, I have tried to bring upon the significance of learning history, especially the history of Nusantara or Malay Archipelago. This is to provide the underlying purpose for the upcoming event, Nusantara Exhibition on this October 2016. As a grateful and humble being in this blessed land of a great history, I would put my utmost effort to re-introduce the history of our indigenous land, so as to re-recognize ourselves in order to act properly in accordance to how we know ourselves.

“History is written by the winners,”. – Napoleon


Amru Khalid S.

UMT, Gong Badak – Kemaman Sands, Terengganu – LightHouse Training and Consultancy Sdn Bhd.

Edited on 7:06pm –  30 Aug 16. Selamat Hari Merdeka, Malaysia!


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